Applicable people and precautions for using fake teeth

With the improvement of people’s living standards, fake teeth have gradually become a common way of oral restoration. It can be used to fill missing teeth, repair wear and tear, improve the appearance of teeth, and more. However, not everyone is suitable for using denture, and there are some things to pay attention to when using denture. This article will introduce the applicable population of fake teeth and precautions for use.

Applicable crowd of fake teeth

  • Patients with missing teeth: Tooth loss is a common oral problem that affects oral health and aesthetics. Denture can be used to fill missing teeth and restore oral health and chewing function. The applicable population includes patients with single or multiple missing teeth, and different types of denture can be selected for restoration.
  • Tooth wear patients: Tooth wear is a common oral problem that can lead to problems such as missing teeth, tooth asymmetry, and tooth pain. Fake teeth can be used to repair worn teeth, restore the appearance and chewing function of teeth. The applicable population includes patients with tooth wear, and can choose denture such as porcelain dentures for restoration.
  • Patients who are dissatisfied with the appearance of teeth: The appearance of teeth is an important factor affecting the appearance of the oral cavity. Problems such as tooth color, shape, and size will affect the appearance of the oral cavity. Fake teeth can be used to improve the appearance of teeth and restore confidence and beauty. Applicable people include patients who are not satisfied with the appearance of teeth, and can choose denture such as porcelain dentures for restoration.
  • Patients with special conditions: Some special conditions are also suitable for using denture, such as congenital tooth loss, oral trauma, etc. The applicable population includes patients with special conditions, and the appropriate fake teeth type and treatment plan can be selected according to the specific situation.


Precautions for using fake teeth

  • Choose the right denture type: Different denture types are suitable for different oral problems and patient needs. Choosing the right type of fake teeth requires a comprehensive consideration of the patient’s oral condition, needs, and economic capacity in order to achieve the best results. It is recommended to choose the appropriate denture type under the guidance of a doctor.
  • Pay attention to oral hygiene: fake teeth need regular cleaning and maintenance to keep your mouth healthy and looking good. Daily brushing, flossing and oral cleaning solution are recommended, and regular oral examination and maintenance are recommended. At the same time, avoid chewing hard food and stained food and drinks, and maintain good oral hygiene.
  • Pay attention to chewing habits: Although denture can restore the chewing function of teeth, they are still weaker than real teeth. Chewing on hard foods can damage the denture and surrounding teeth, causing the fake teeth to loosen and fall out. It is recommended to avoid chewing hard objects, especially nuts, hard candy and ice cubes.
  • Regular inspection and maintenance: fake teeth need regular inspection and maintenance to ensure their normal function and appearance. It is recommended to carry out oral examination and denture adjustment and maintenance every six months or a year, so as to detect and deal with problems in time.
  • Maintain proper humidity: denture need to maintain proper humidity to avoid dryness and tooth decay. It is recommended to put fake teeth in water or a special moisturizer while sleeping to keep them moist. When using denture during the day, keep them moist with a mouth moisturizer or foods with a high-water content.
  • Pay attention to safekeeping: fake teeth need to be carefully kept to avoid loss or damage. It is recommended to put denture in a dry, clean, ventilated place without direct sunlight. When traveling or going out, you can use the special denture protection box to protect the fake teeth.


In short, the use of fake teeth requires attention to choosing the right type. Maintaining oral hygiene, avoiding chewing hard objects. Regular inspection and maintenance. Maintaining proper humidity, and careful storage. If you have any questions or concerns, it is recommended to consult your doctor promptly.

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