Application and maintenance of fake teeth

As humans live longer, dental care becomes more and more important. While we can maintain our teeth by brushing and flossing, certain diseases, age and other factors can lead to under protected or missing teeth. At this point, denture may be a good option.

What are dentures?

Dentures, also known as fake teeth, replace missing or diseased teeth, make your teeth look perfect, and help restore your ability to chew and speak. Dentures are made by a dentist based on the condition of your teeth and your oral needs. During fabrication, the dentist will make a model to ensure that the dentures are the exact size and shape of your teeth.


Do Fake teeth Need Maintenance?

Using dentures requires some maintenance. Although dentures will not decay, the area where they are made still needs to be kept clean. The easiest way to clean your denture is with a toothbrush and dental cleaner. When you brush your dentures, make sure not to use fluoride toothpaste. Removing your dentures and cleaning the brackets in which they are placed regularly are important to keep your fake teeth healthy. If your dentures show signs of movement or pain, contact your dentist immediately for repairs.


Dimensions of fake teeth

  1. Width of dentures: The width of denture needs to be customized according to the position and size of the missing teeth of the patient. The front and side teeth are usually narrower, while the back teeth are wider. The width of the dentures needs to be adapted to the patient’s natural teeth to ensure the stability and effectiveness of the dentures.
  2. Denture thickness: The thickness of dentures needs to be customized according to the patient’s oral condition and needs. The front and side teeth are usually thinner, while the back teeth are thicker. The thickness of the dentures needs to be adapted to the patient’s natural teeth to ensure the comfort and effectiveness of the fake teeth.
  3. Color of dentures: The color of dentures needs to be selected and customized according to the patient’s natural tooth color to ensure that the denture are similar in color to their natural teeth. The choice of denture color needs to take into account factors such as the patient’s skin tone and facial features to achieve the best cosmetic effect.

In short, the size and specifications of dentures need to be customized according to the patient’s oral conditions and needs to ensure their fit and long-term use. When choosing fake teeth, it is necessary to choose experienced and highly skilled denture doctors to conduct detailed oral examination and measurement to ensure the size specifications and cosmetic effects of dentures.


Strength of fake teeth

Denture are a replacement for missing or damaged teeth, so their strength is critical. Usually, dentures need to withstand the influence of multiple factors such as teeth chewing, oral friction, and pressure when chewing food. Therefore, the strength test of dentures is very important, which can help testers understand the material strength, failure mode and wear resistance of fake teeth.

Non-destructive testing: Non-destructive testing is done by using precision instruments to measure the elastic modulus and hardness of dentures. These tests can provide detailed information on the properties of denture materials, such as their strength and wear resistance, without causing any substantial damage to the denture. This kind of test is usually carried out with equipment such as indentation tester and universal material testing machine.


In conclusion, dentures are a convenient solution to keep your mouth looking beautiful and healthy. Using dentures requires some maintenance, but proper care and maintenance can make your denture last longer and look healthier. If you are considering dentures, speak with your dentist to determine which dentures are right for your oral needs.


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