Effects of fake teeth and cosmetic restoration

Denture are a common dental treatment that can help patients restore missing teeth and improve oral health and function. However, dentures not only restore missing teeth, they also bring cosmetic restorations. This article will examine the relationship between denture and the outcome of cosmetic restorations.

Effect of Dentures on Cosmetic Restoration

The use of dentures can bring about a variety of cosmetic restoration effects, including the following aspects:

  1. Hide Missing Teeth: Missing teeth can affect oral aesthetics and confidence. The use of fake teeth can fill missing spaces, restore oral aesthetics and confidence, and improve the patient’s quality of life.
  2. Improve tooth color: Yellow or black teeth can affect the appearance of the mouth. Using dentures can choose whiter materials, improve tooth color, and make the patient’s smile more natural and beautiful.
  3. Improve lip contour: Tooth loss can lead to lip contour depression, affecting the aesthetics of the mouth. Using dentures can fill missing spaces and improve the contour of your lips for fuller and more beautiful lips.
  4. Improved Jawline: The use of fake teeth can improve the jawline and enhance facial beauty. Choosing the right type and position of dentures can make your jawline more visible and beautiful.
  5. Improves facial symmetry: Missing teeth can affect facial symmetry, making the face asymmetrical. Using dentures can restore missing teeth, improve facial symmetry, and make the face more beautiful and natural.


How to wear fake teeth?

Fake teeth are a common dental treatment that can help patients restore missing teeth and improve oral health and function. Correct wearing of fake teeth can improve the effect of use and oral health. The following is a detailed method of wearing dentures:

  1. Preparing your dentures: First you need to prepare your denture and ensure their fit and quality. Choose high-quality denture materials and choose experienced denture doctors for treatment to avoid unnecessary oral problems.
  2. Mouth cleaning: Before wearing denture, you need to clean your mouth to ensure good oral health and proper denture fit. You can use a toothbrush and floss to clean the teeth and between teeth, and use mouthwash to kill bacteria to ensure oral hygiene.
  3. Mouth adhesives: Mouth adhesives help dentures adhere better to the tissues of your mouth, preventing fake teeth from falling out or shifting. Before use, you need to soak the dentures in warm water to soften them, and then apply an appropriate amount of oral adhesive on the dentures to avoid excessive or frequent use.
  4. Fitting Denture: Fitting dentures requires proper placement of the dentures in the mouth and gradual compression to ensure adequate contact between the fake teeth and the oral tissues and to prevent air from entering the mouth. It is necessary to pay attention to the use of appropriate force to avoid excessive force causing oral discomfort or damage to dentures.
  5. Adjusting your dentures: After wearing your denture, you may need to make some minor adjustments to ensure the fit and stability of your dentures. A denture doctor can be consulted to make necessary adjustments and repairs to ensure the long-term use of denture and oral health.
  6. Getting used to dentures: Using dentures takes some getting used to and may feel uncomfortable or out of place. It takes patience to adapt and gradually increase the wearing time until you get used to it. During the adaptation period. Attention to oral hygiene and fake teeth care and maintenance is required to avoid oral problems and denture damage.



Dentures not only restore missing teeth, but also provide cosmetic restorations. Using fake teeth can hide missing teeth, improve tooth color, improve lip contour and jawline, improve facial symmetry, and more. The use of dentures requires attention to some issues. Such as choosing the right dentures, cleaning denture regularly, avoiding excessive force, avoiding excessive oral adhesives. And regular inspection and maintenance. Only the correct use of dentures can achieve the effect of cosmetic restoration and maintain oral health and quality of life.

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