Lifespan and replacement cycle of fake teeth

Fake teeth are a common oral restoration method, which can be used to fill missing teeth, repair wear and tear, improve the appearance of teeth and other problems. However, they are not permanent and require a certain lifetime and replacement cycle. This article will introduce the life and replacement cycle of fake teeth.

Lifespan of fake teeth

The lifespan of fake teeth varies depending on factors such as type, material, frequency of use, and routine maintenance. Common types of fake teeth include porcelain denture, all-ceramic dentures, trays, and removable dentures. Different types of denture have different life spans.

  1. Porcelain Fake teeth: Porcelain dentures are a common type of denture made with a metal base and porcelain topping for good appearance and chewing function. The lifespan of porcelain dentures is generally about 10 years, and the specific lifespan is also related to factors such as frequency of use and daily maintenance.
  2. All-ceramic fake teeth: All-ceramic dentures are a newer type of denture that are made with a metal-free base and porcelain topping for better appearance and biocompatibility. The lifespan of all-ceramic dentures is generally about 5-7 years, and the specific lifespan is also related to factors such as frequency of use and daily maintenance.
  3. Braces: Braces are a type of denture for patients with a lot of missing teeth and are made with a metal framework and porcelain facing to support and hold the fake teeth. The lifespan of a dental tray is generally about 5-10 years, and the specific lifespan is also related to factors such as frequency of use and daily maintenance.
  4. Removable dentures: Removable dentures are a type of fake teeth for patients with partial tooth loss. They are made with a metal framework and porcelain facing that can move and stay in place in the mouth. The lifespan of movable denture is generally about 5 years, and the specific lifespan is also related to factors such as frequency of use and daily maintenance.


Replacement cycle of fake teeth

The replacement cycle of fake teeth depends on its life and use effect. Generally speaking, the replacement cycle of denture is about 5-10 years, and the specific cycle is also related to the patient’s oral condition and needs.

  1. Worse use of fake teeth: As the use time of denture increases, their use effect may become worse. Such as wear. Discoloration. Peeling and other problems. These problems will affect the appearance and function of denture and need to be replaced in time.
  2. End of life of fake teeth: The life of fake teeth is generally about 5-10 years. Which varies according to different types of denture and the oral condition and needs of patients. When the life of denture ends, they may show problems such as falling off, wearing out, loosening, etc. And need to be replaced in time.
  3. Changing oral conditions and needs: As the patient ages and oral conditions and needs change. The fake teeth may need to be replaced. For example, factors such as the expansion of tooth loss, the appearance of periodontal disease. And changes in the oral restoration plan may require the replacement of denture to restore oral health and beauty.
  4. Improper routine maintenance: Improper routine maintenance can also lead to replacement of fake teeth. If the patient does not carry out oral examination and maintenance on a regular basis, or does not pay attention to oral hygiene. It may cause various problems in the denture and need to be replaced in time.

It should be noted that even if the life of the denture is over. It is not necessarily necessary to replace all the fake teeth. Depending on the situation, only the defective part may be replaced or a partial repair may be performed. Patients should make relevant decisions under the guidance of doctors to achieve the best results.


In short, although fake teeth can restore oral health and aesthetics, they also have a certain lifespan and replacement cycle. Patients should pay attention to daily maintenance and oral health, conduct regular oral examination and maintenance. And replace or repair according to the specific situation and doctor’s advice to maintain oral health and beauty.

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