Role of fake teeth in oral care of the elderly

Fake teeth are a common dental treatment that can help patients restore missing teeth and improve oral health and function. As the age increases, the oral health of the elderly gradually deteriorates, and the incidence of missing teeth and oral diseases increases. The use of dentures can play an important role in the oral care of older adults, and this article will explore the role of denture in oral care of older adults.

The role of dentures in oral care for older adults

  • Restoration of oral function: The elderly often suffers from tooth loss or oral diseases that affect oral function, such as eating and pronunciation. Dentures can fill the space where teeth are missing, restore oral function and improve quality of life.
  • Improve oral health: The oral health of the elderly is usually not ideal, such as dry mouth, gingivitis, periodontitis, etc. The use of fake teeth can help the elderly restore oral health, reduce the incidence of oral diseases, and relieve oral discomfort.
  • Improving Nutritional Levels: Older adults often have poor or missing teeth that prevent them from chewing food properly, which can affect nutritional levels. Using dentures can help older adults chew food better, get enough nutrients, and stay healthy.
  • Improve mental health: The elderly often has bad or missing teeth that affect their mental health. Such as low self-confidence and social barriers. Using dentures can improve oral aesthetics, restore self-confidence and social skills, and improve mental health.
  • Prevention of tooth displacement: Missing teeth or bad teeth in the elderly will cause other teeth to shift to the missing teeth. Thus affecting oral health. Denture can fill missing spaces, prevent teeth from shifting, and keep your mouth healthy.


How to wear fake teeth?

Wearing dentures requires attention to detail to ensure effectiveness and oral health. It is necessary to choose suitable denture materials and a fake teeth doctor, clean the mouth. Apply an appropriate amount of oral adhesive. Install dentures correctly. Make necessary adjustments and repairs. Adapt to the use of dentures, and pay attention to oral hygiene and maintenance of denture. Proper use of dentures can achieve the desired results and improve oral health and quality of life.


Dimensions of fake teeth

Fake teeth are a common dental treatment that can help patients restore missing teeth and improve oral health and function. The size and specifications of dentures usually need to be customized according to the patient’s oral conditions and needs to ensure their fit and long-term use. This article will detail the size specifications of denture.

The size specifications of dentures include the following aspects:

  • Shape of dentures: The shape of denture needs to be tailored to the position and shape of the patient’s missing teeth to ensure that the dentures are similar in shape and size to their natural teeth. The shape of dentures usually includes various types of front teeth, side teeth and back teeth. And its size and shape need to be customized according to the patient’s oral conditions and needs.
  • Length of fake teeth: The length of dentures needs to be customized according to the position and size of the missing teeth of the patient. The front and side teeth are usually shorter, while the back teeth are longer. The length of dentures needs to be adapted to the patient’s natural teeth to ensure the comfort and effectiveness of the fake teeth.


The oral health of the elderly is often not ideal. And the use of dentures can play an important role in the oral care of the elderly. Dentures can restore oral function, improve oral health, improve nutritional levels, improve mental health, and prevent tooth displacement. When using denture. You need to pay attention to choosing suitable dentures, regularly clean dentures, avoid excessive force. Regularly check denture and oral health. And avoid not wearing dentures for a long time. With the help of dentures, the elderly can maintain oral health and aesthetics and improve their quality of life.

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