How to Braid Hair

How to Braid Hair Like a Pro

Braids are super trendy and add instant style to any look. But mastering those intricate woven patterns can feel intimidating if you’re braid-challenged. Fear not! With some basic techniques and a little practice, anyone can become a braiding pro. Let’s walk through some simple steps to up your braid game.

Master The Basic Three-Strand Braid

This classic plait is the foundation for almost every braid style. Once you’ve nailed this technique, you can move on to trendier and more complex versions.

Divide The Hair
First, separate out the section of hair you want to braid. Secure the rest of your hair out of the way with a hair tie or clips.

Make Three Sections
Divide the loose hair into three equal sections. Smooth and detangle each section thoroughly before beginning.

Crossing The Sections
Hold the right section in your right hand and the left section in your left hand. With your right hand, cross that section over the middle section.

Next, use your left hand to cross that section over the new middle section. Continue alternating sides, crossing the right strand over, then the left strand over.

Keep Braiding
Keep crossing sections over the middle as you gradually add more hair into each strand. Braid all the way down to the ends. Secure the finish with a hair tie.


  •  Keep even tension on each section to prevent looseness or gaps.
  •  Add in a little more hair from each side every few passes.
  •  Braid from the crown for a neat, polished look.

Once you’ve mastered this basic braid, move on to these more intricate styles!

How to Braid Hair

Get Fancy With Fishtail Braids

Fishtail braids have a beautiful woven look and are trendier than standard three-strand styles. But the technique is surprisingly easy!

Section The Hair
Separate out a section at the nape of your neck or along the front hairline you want to fishtail braid. Make two sections instead of three for starters.

First Cross-Over
Take a small piece from the outside of one section. Cross it under and add it to the other section.

Keep Crossing Strands
Now take a small piece from the new outside of that section. Cross it under and add it to the first section you started with.

Tightening As You Go
As you incorporate new pieces, gently pull and tighten each section to keep the braid neat and flat against your head.

Continue this crossover pattern, alternating sections, until you reach the ends. Secure with a hair tie.

– Work with dry, detangled hair for best results.
– For a chunkier braid, incorporate larger pieces of hair.
– Use clips to keep stray hairs contained as you braid.

How to Braid Hair

Add Volume With A French Braid

A French braid keeps your hair woven and seamlessly incorporates it as you work from scalp to ends. It’s a fantastic style for adding body and texture.

Begin With A Braid Foundation
Start by doing a basic three-strand braid with just a small section from your front hairline. Braid down towards your ear about 2-3 inches.

Add In Hair From The Sides
Now grab a small piece of hair from the outer edge of one section. Using that same hand, fold it up and over into the section you just braided.

Keep Adding Hair As You Braid
From the other outer edge, grab another small piece and fold it into the opposite section you just braided. Alternate adding in hair like this from each side as you continue braiding down.

Finish Off The Style
Once you’ve added in all the hair you want in the braid, continue braiding in a standard three-strand pattern to the ends. Secure with an elastic.


  •  Go slowly at first until you get used to folding in hair as you braid.
  •  Make sure to keep even tension so it lays flat against your head.
  •  Use clips along your hairline to keep adding in clean sections.

How to Braid Hair

Amp It Up With A Dutch Braid

Dutch braids have an eye-catching woven look on the outside rather than the typical inside pattern. While the technique is a bit trickier, it’s worth mastering!

Start With A Dutch Braid Foundation
Begin by doing a reverse braid where you cross the outer sections under the middle section instead of over. This creates an inside-out look.

Keep Crossing Under
Once you have 2-3 inches of this reverse braid, start adding in hair from the edges just like a french braid. But remember to keep crossing sections under.

Work Horizontally Across Crown
For a full dutch crown braid, work your way across the top of your head horizontally while continually adding in more hair. Go slowly.

Transition To A Traditional Braid
Once you’ve included all the hair you want in the dutch pattern, switch to the standard braid technique crossing sections over. Finish to the ends.


  •  Use a mirror to check your work until you get used to the reversed pattern.
  •  Secure random flyaways with hairspray or fingers dipped in gel.
  •  Experiment with different placements like dutch braids piped along your hairline.

How to Braid Hair


Get Creative With Accessories

Once you’ve mastered different braid styles, adding accessories is an easy way to get creative! Things like ribbons, scrunchies, beads, and jewelry can instantly amp up a basic plait.

Weave In Ribbons or Strings
Take a long ribbon or piece of string. Hold it taut as you cross over hair sections, trapping it into the braid for a woven pattern. Start and end by knotting the ends.

Use Colorful Hair Ties
Instead of clear elastics, swap in metallic or colorful hair ties. Place them sporadically along the braid for pops of color. Silk scrunchies add luxe touches.

Incorporate Hair Jewelry
Hair rings, cuffs, chains, and charms instantly upgrade any braid style. Weave them in randomly or as finishing accents at the ends.

Add Natural Accents
Things like feathers, fresh flowers, seashells or other natural items make bohemian additions to braids. Secure them with hairpins or tiny clear elastics.


  •  Use a boar bristle brush to perfectly smooth hair before braiding for clean woven patterns.
  •  Hairsprays and gels help keep flyaways slicked down for a polished look with accessories.
  •  Play around and have fun! Unexpected combinations look coolest.

Start Practicing Your Braiding Skills

With these basic techniques and creative tips, you’re well on your way to becoming a braid extraordinaire! Like any skill, your plaits will improve with regular practice.

Take your time in the beginning as you learn to control tension and smoothly merge sections. Before long, it will become muscle memory and you’ll be whipping up intricate braids effortlessly. Get ready to be the hair envy of all your friends!

Experiment with different braid styles, accessory combinations, and placements to make every look uniquely yours. Braiding is an art form, so don’t be afraid to get creative and have fun with it. Stunning, eye-catching hairstyles await!

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